Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Social Curse

Some of High Moon's more active fans have probably noticed that as of late, I haven't been posting much to social media.

The simple answer is...keeping up with the entirety of social media is exhausting, and inhibiting to actually designing your game and producing it. But in a catch 22, it's absolutely fundamental to the success of your game.

So how do we reconcile this? I spent some time researching what other gamedevs do and the answer seems to be: WRITE A BLOG! 

A personal blog is great because it's a central location that people can go to and see what's up with the game's development, they can share it on every social media site (and so can I..which is probably how you found this blog) and subscribe to the blog as well. 

Lots of sites offer blogs, but I consider them more niche blogs, specific to that website. Boardgamegeek.com is all about board games, IndieDB is all about video games, and so on. A personal blog can be about all of it, specific to your needs.

I decided to choose blogger by Google instead of various other sites. The fact that it's linked to your google + account and therefore your gmail is a HUGE bonus. It also allows for WAY more free customization of your blog visually and mechanically so you can get it just the way you want it. It's also extremely easy for people to comment and share your blogs (especially because people are usually already logged into their gmail). Plus it's Google...come on, was there ever any real competition when it comes to excellent service for free?

So from now on, I will be writing a blog for High Moon and all the things Isaac Black's Studio is up to. Posts from this blog will be shared to the various media/social outlets, and a newsletter with a monthly wrap up will be sent out too. 

Problem solved! Now all you have to do is click that little subscribe button :)

Expect short, frequent blog posts from here on out!

P.S: I just released another newsletter too detailing major updates to High Moon! Check it here: Newsletter Link

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