Friday, November 14, 2014

More Multiplayer!

Howdy ;)

Today's post is an update to my previous one about multiplayer rules.


Since then I've fine tuned many aspects of that so it actually works :P . The idea is the same: everyone attacks at once, but the rules in how that works out needed a big overhaul.

Whilst overhauling the multiplayer rules I realized that I needed to completely rewrite the rulebook. Now, instead of there being a section for 2 player rules, 3-4 player, and teams, it's all the same. The rules accommodate for 2, 3, 4 and 2 vs 2.

Another major change that occurred based on feedback was a single box will only contain cards for 1 player. Think of it like a MTG starter pack. Because of physical limitations, this move allowed me to include many more spells in the game for you to build your deck out of.

The new rulebook reflects this change, and can be downloaded with an all new print-and-play here:


With the introduction of 3-4 players and team duels, I've updated all spells to have "Targets" which I talked about in the previous post. This dramatically alters how some spells work and how effective they are.

The labels are pretty straight forward, "Self", "Team", "All Players", "All Foes", "Single Foe". Here's how they look on the cards:


Now that  have room to add more spells to the game, I'm doing just that! Here is a rough list of the spells I'm currently working on (I can only add about 10-14 spells so not all of these will make the cut). 

“Self” Signatures

Mirror (blue, self)  - Whatever damage you take this turn will applied to the attacking foe as well. 1 ep.

Divert (blue, self)  - Any cards that specifically target you this turn, will target another player of your choice. Costs 4 EP

Barrier (blue, self) - Reduces incoming attacks by 2 damage and ignores all element effects. costs 2 EP

Vanish (blue, self) - This turn and next, you are immune to all damage and effects, and cannot cast any spells. Take 2 damage. cost 1 EP

“Single Foe” Signatures
Hex (blue, single foe) - Apply a random effect to your opponent, draw a number card to determine which. costs 4 EP
  1. Foe’s spell will do no damage.
  2. -3 hp
  3. Foe will take double damage their next turn.
  4. Foe cannot cast any spells on their next turn.
  5. -3 ep

Mimic (red, single foe) - Treat this card as if it were the exact same card your target played this turn. Cost 2 ep.

Mute (red, single foe) - Opponent cannot cast any spells on their next turn. costs 3 ep.

Amnesia (red, single foe) - Look at any of your foe's cards. Choose one to be discarded that isn't already. 1 ep.

Karma (blue, single foe) - Applies two random effects to you and your target. Each player draws 2 number cards. costs 1 EP
1= +2 HP
2= -2 HP
3= +2 EP
4= -2 EP
5= Discard a random card

Drain (red, single foe) - Steal 2 energy from foe. costs 1 EP

Deplete (red, single foe) - Reduces a random amount of foe’s energy (draw a number card to determine the amount). costs 2 EP

Scourge (blue, single foe) - applies a random amount of damage to foe (draw a number card to determine the amount) costs 2 EP

Poach (red, single foe) - Take a random card from your opponent’s hand and place it in yours, it will stay yours for the remainder of the duel. At the end of the duel, place it in your foe’s discard pile. costs 3 EP

Burden (red, single foe) - Whatever card foe played, foe must deduct double the amount of it’s energy cost immediately. Costs 3 EP

Exchange (red, single foe) - Switch HP/EP values with your target. Cost 3 EP (won’t work for app because of boons)

“Team” Signatures

Rejuvenate (blue, team) - Each teammate can choose to either heal 2 hp, or draw a number card and be healed for the amount on the card. - costs 2 EP

Fortify (blue, team) - You and your teammate will be protected from all damage this round. costs 4 EP

Replenish (blue, team) - Each teammate can choose to either gain 2 EP, or draw a number card and gain the amount on the card. - costs 2 EP

Endow (blue, team) - Each teammate draws a number card. costs 3 EP
1-2 = +2 HP
3-4 = +2 EP
5 = Immune to all damage their next turn.

“All Foes” and “All Players” Signatures

Rupture (red, all foes) - Draw a number card, all opposing foe’s will take that amount in damage. costs 4 EP.

Hush (red, all players) - All players are forced to rest next turn. Costs 1 EP

Pandora (blue, all players) - All players may draw a number card. Costs 1 EP
1 = +5 HP
2-4 = +3 EP
5 = Death, reduced to 0 HP 0 EP

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Multiplayer Mayhem


Too much excitement? Sorry. Today is all about multiplayer rules. I'll be specifically talking about the physical card game implementation of multiplayer, but it more or less applies to the app as well.

Grimslingers is all about keeping a fast pace, while maintaining deeply strategic card play. If you aren't already familiar with the way the 2 player duel works, both players attack each other at the same time (like you would in a typical western duel).


The 3-4 player version of the game also has all players attack each other at the same time. I'm not a big fan of waiting on other players to take their turns, which was a big influence on the decision to have everyone go at once.

It's kind of a like a Mexican Standoff. You don't know who's going to attack who, and it's going to be chaotic when it all goes down. Duels aren't meant to last long, so don't expect to live longer than a few turns. When you come out as the last one standing, it's going to feel pretty great though!

The rules are still being finalized and play tested, but here's how they look right now:


This version of the game  is set up and works identical to the 2 player duel, with only a few differences.

  1. Each player needs to have 4 “Target” cards. If you are player one, take the target card for player one and place it beside your character card. Players are not allowed to be the same number as another. Therefore, someone needs to use target card #1, another player takes target card #2, and so on.

(art and text not finalized)

  1. All players attack at the same time. Each player must choose a target for their spell during the “Draw” phase. To do this, pick one of your target cards and place it face down with whatever spell you have chosen to play

  1. If you are passing, or your spell does not target one specific foe, you must still play a target card. When you reveal your cards, do not flip over your target card.

  1. Once all players have revealed their cards, players must check to see who is opposed and who is not. This means that if the player you have chosen has NOT chosen you, you are unopposed.

  1. If more than one player is unopposed, each must draw a card from the number deck. The player with the highest card goes first, and so on. (re-draw if tied). Resolve your card as outlined in phase three, “The Aftermath” of the 2 player duel.

  1. If your target has also targeted you, you are opposed. Opposed cards are resolved after unopposed cards. If all players are opposed, each pair of players will resolve their cards at the same time. Opposing players will resolve their cards by following the instructions in phase three, “The Aftermath”, of the 2 player duel.

  1. When using “Create Distraction” you must state which player you are trying to distract.

  1. When facing off, the player who has the lowest personal target card goes first.

There you have it folks! Cards will soon have further classification to state whether it targets 1 foe, all foes, yourself, or no one. 

Team duels will likely be a small expansion to the game with extra signatures just for teams.

As always, please leave a comment and let me know what you think!